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Bug: Corrupt Scores/PDF's

Posted: Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:05 pm
by kingkai
hey all! hope im posting this in the right section.

I've had this bug pop up a few days ago, and it's still going on. Most scores, but not all, will download as a corrupt PdF where I can't read any of the notes. I've attached a picture to show how the scores appear.

This bug is both on the iOS apps and on the website, doesn't matter where I'm accessing IMSLP from.

This has happened to me once before -years ago- but i don't remember how the issue was resolved. Would love some help!

IMG_0192.png (217.59 KiB) Viewed 10927 times

Re: Bug: Corrupt Scores/PDF's

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:21 am
by DBMiller
I have not experienced this on any PDFs from the site. I don't know what your issue might be. Can you point me to a PDF which causes this issue on your viewer?

Re: Bug: Corrupt Scores/PDF's

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:51 am
by Sallen112
Maybe try resetting the ipad possibly (or iphone if that is what your using) to clear any cache? Another option is the clear the cookies and cache in your browser settings (I think its in the "Settings" app on iOS actually).

Re: Bug: Corrupt Scores/PDF's

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:00 pm
by kingkai
to update my troubleshooting; i've cleared all caches and cookies, i've restarted my devices, deleted and reinstalled the apps, tried to access imslp through a web browser (both logged into my account and not), tried on my home wifi as well as cellular. no dice. almost all the pdfs turn out that way, including some of my own personal scores that i've u-loaded to the app.

here's a link to a score that i tried to download: (lilacs no. 5, piano arrangement)

i will clarify that it isn't one or two scores that are giving me issues, but rather 90% of the pdf's that i try to view.