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Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:46 pm
by Operalala
A number of individual works have their own wikipedia articles - would it be possible to add a field to the work page template to link to the corresponding Wikipedia article, like on the composer pages?

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:28 pm
by Davydov
You can just add the heading:

====External Links====

... at the end of the work page, with a bullet point underneath linking to the Wikipeda article. See the Brahms, Dvorak and Tchaikovsky pages for some examples.

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:48 pm
by Operalala
Yes, I've been doing that to add roles, libretto links, etc.
What I'm looking for is the possibility to set up a Wiki-link field within the work page template (which would also accommodate all the various language Wikis), like the Biography link on the composer pages:
|Biography Link=[[wikipedia:{{#iflang:en=Franz Liszt|de=de:Franz Liszt|el=el:?????? ????|es=es:Franz Liszt|fr=fr:Franz Liszt|it=it:Franz Liszt|nl=nl:Franz Liszt|pl=pl:Ferenc Liszt|pt=pt:Franz Liszt|ru=ru:????, ??????|tr=tr:Franz Liszt}}|Wikipedia]]


Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:18 pm
by Davydov
I see what you mean, but the multi-language code will still work if pasted at the bottom of the page. Like this:

====External Links====
* [[wikipedia:{{#iflang:en=Eugene Onegin (opera)|de=de:Eugen Onegin (Oper)|es=es:Eugenio Oneguin (ópera)|fr=fr:Eugène Onéguine (opéra)|it=it:Franz Liszt|nl=nl:Jevgeni Onegin (opera)|ru=ru:??????? ?????? (?????)|it=it:Eugenio Onieghin}}|Wikipedia]]

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:22 pm
by imslp
Actually, I would prefer any large-scale custom feature to be done in the template itself instead of as a separate thing (even if it is a custom thing for one particular page, I'd prefer it in the Comments section instead of outside the template). I would prefer if you do not add anything outside the template space. Otherwise, it would be impossible to change the design of the page significantly without having to fix a bunch of pages. I know that a few pages already have stuff outside the template space, but I'd like to keep the number of such pages as low as possible (and dwindling, if possible).

The external link feature for work pages seem quite in demand, so please poke Leonard to add this feature to the FTE page at Mediawiki:FTE:imslppage. It is really easy to do, and that way it is part of the template itself, and if need be we can change the page design at a later time (like we have done lots of times already).

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:51 am
by Davydov
By "at the botom of the page", I meant still within the template (as in the examples I gave). Apologies for any confusion.

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:54 am
by Leonard Vertighel
Should this be a subsection of the Misc. Comments section like Davydov suggests? And is it meant for arbitrary external links except recordings?

(It seems to me that the page structure is getting progressively chaotic. In particular, the work info box tends to end up in a random position somewhere in the bottom half of the page. External links are scattered all over the place, from the file info box (Amazon links, etc.) to some dedicated sections in the middle of the page to the Misc. Comments section at the bottom. Thoughts?)

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:46 pm
by imslp
I actually thought it was directly to Wikipedia and nowhere else. Like the Biography Links in the composer template. May be ok to start with this and change it later on if people need anything more. At least it seems like that would satisfy Operalala's request, and I remember other people asking about WP linking in work pages similar to that in composer pages. Another advantage of this is that instead of the user formatting the list, the template formats it, and therefore we may be able to move it around in the future. My opinion is that there probably should be some priority given to WP over other sites, which imo justifies having a line specifically for WP linking.

I was also wondering about perhaps breaking up the info box into two chunks, essential information at the top and everything else at the bottom. I vaguely remember some discussion about this though I forgot what the outcome was. But perhaps it may be interesting in light of the increased complexity. Please do not take my thoughts about this matter to have any more weight than just a passerby, because I haven't thought seriously about this. And obviously this is a long-term design consideration, so it does not have to be done anytime soon.

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:31 pm
by Operalala
Yes, a fixed place within the template was what I was thinking about, like the composer pages - this would makes it easier for, say, a Lithuanian Wiki editor with a list of links to easily find where to add them. The infobox seems to be strictly facts about the work, but perhaps a wikilink would work, say, right-justified in the infobox heading, or as a footer to the infobox?

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:00 pm
by Davydov
There are quite a few pages with two or more external links, only one of which is to Wikipedia. Would it really be helpful to split these up?

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:00 pm
by Operalala
I think if a link can be systematized out of a pile of links, it ought to be. It is also common for wikis to have standardized inter-wiki links.

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:21 pm
by Davydov
Operalala wrote:I think if a link can be systematized out of a pile of links, it ought to be. It is also common for wikis to have standardized inter-wiki links.
I'm all in favour of having standardized links, which is why I think IMSLP should link to Wikipedia in the same way as Wikipedia links back to IMSLP — under a heading "External Links" at the bottom of the page, in a bullet-point list of links to other relevant sites.

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 12:05 pm
by reinhold
olexrina wrote:What would happen if someone deleted all the information on a Wikipedia page? I just realized that ANYONE can edit Wikipedia, whether they're a scholar or a four year old. What would happen if someone deleted all the information from a really long page? Would they get in trouble,
Yes, they would probably be banned (plus, changes to e.g. the German wikipedia don't go live immediately, but have to be approved by an editor first).
olexrina wrote:and could the info be recovered?
Of course! The whole history of a page including all changes and all previous versions are available and stored on the wikipedia server (you can even look at the history yourself, see the tab at the top of each wikipedia article).

Re: Linking work pages to Wikipedia articles

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:51 am
by KGill
reinhold wrote:stored on the wikipedia server (you can even look at the history yourself, see the tab at the top of each wikipedia article).
And the same, of course, goes for all pages on IMSLP.