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[BUG]Truncation of "File" in the Add Files form

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 7:08 am
by coulonnus
Once I have put multiple files into File#1:, File#2:... before I click Submit! I can't see the last characters of my files, e.g. if I add c:\thing\stuff\chunk_violin_1.pdf and c:\thing\stuff\chunk_violin_2 I can see only c:\thing\stuff\chunk_violin once I have added both files and I can't check I've submitted the right files.

Could the server please show the last characters of the files submitted? The directory names do not bring useful information and the truncation could be from the left side.

The bug shows up with Firefox, IE and Netscape.

Re: [BUG]Truncation of "File" in the Add Files form

Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:22 pm
by vinteuil
Try pressing the down arrow key (when the file field is selected)

Re: [BUG]Truncation of "File" in the Add Files form

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:25 am
by coulonnus
When I click the file I want to check, of course the browser window pops up and I can see the whole file name at its bottom. Is it what you mean by "selecting the file field"?

It would be nice to see the 5 or 6 file names together, with their rightmost characters, without having to select them one by one. Doen't the html language offer "right justification" or a similar term?

Re: [BUG]Truncation of "File" in the Add Files form

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:33 am
by Lyle Neff
Speaking of the "Add Files" form (I haven't used it in a while) -- are the text boxes still ridiculously small?

Re: [BUG]Truncation of "File" in the Add Files form

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2010 11:42 am
by coulonnus
Lyle Neff wrote:Speaking of the "Add Files" form (I haven't used it in a while) -- are the text boxes still ridiculously small?
about 25 characters. (depends if there are more m-characters than i-characters)