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download counter

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 5:18 pm
by kalliwoda
Is the download-counter still working? Or have the criteria been changed of what is counted as a download?

For the last approx. 4 weeks download numbers are way down, most noticeable for my most popular uploads:
Rismsky-Korsakov Trombone concerto had about 100 downloads per week for the last 2 years, now it is down to 2-3/wk.
and to contrast this with a much less popular work:
Noskowski Moments melodiques had 2-3 downloads per week since last December, now it is 2-3 per month

I found the popularity of the trombone concerto always unbelievable, but now there seems no significant difference between highly popular works and the duds. Only during the first few days of a new upload is there a more rapid increase in download-numbers.

Anybody else noticed this?

Re: download counter

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 9:49 pm
by NLewis
Yes, I have noticed this. Carolus sent Feldmahler a message on his talk page last night about it. I think Feldmahler will look into it; last I heard was that he was going to look into getting another server.