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Work Page Overload?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 8:00 pm
by NLewis ... MSLP226281

It seems as though this page will not display - at least not on my computer. The issue is probably that the page is too long, I remember reading that somewhere. Hopefully this can be corrected... I can't try to remedy the situation by splitting the page because I don't have access to it.



Re: Work Page Overload?

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 10:24 pm
by KGill
It displays for me, but if you still can't access it remember that you can go to any other page, click 'edit', and then copy and paste the title of the non-loading page into the resultant URL to get to its edit window. Because of the much smaller drain on the server for text-only pages I imagine there should seldom be any problems. You can get to the edit window for this page here.