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Beethoven 7 Clarinet parts in Bb

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:42 am
by noqu
Does anybody happen to have the clarinet parts for Beethoven's 7th transposed for Bb clarinet (the original is for A) ? I would be extremely grateful if anybody could save me the hours of transposing ...

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:45 pm
by dsoslglece
got it, and I'll send you as soon as possible... :D

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:27 pm
by Yagan Kiely
If you wish to use a forum to share files use a different forum please!

If you have the file, upload it onto IMSLP. If it isn't allowed to be uploaded you are definitely not allowed to share it.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:52 pm
by dsoslglece
But natch !...

By the way, this is exactly what I did propose by PM to noqu...

I certainly could post this to the forum (it is an old Peters edition), but I don't think it'd be that useful to have just a single part... as probably there is already this work available here :D

So just don't worry, there won't be no wrong doin's :)

But I believe it can always be helpful as player to find some help on here (not let say maybe from the "grand salon", but may be from the kitchen or the backyard, even the poultry-yard) if against a corner, and having to perform something uncomplete or unavailable elsewhere...

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 5:46 pm
by vinteuil
We have lots of single parts. And they are very useful

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:06 pm
by dsoslglece
So, you think I should put this on here ? OK, that's no problem, but I may have to reduce its weight since it does about 12 MB for just 7 pages (I did the PDF out of the original AIFF without reducing it to PNG first)

But I think I'll have to wait a bit since everything seems to be upside down and the painters busy on all walls roofs and floors...

Maybe for facility, should it (could it) better be indicated somewhere (I mean this state of unacheaved renovation), but I spent about 3 hours trying to find the library, to finaly discover that having been married to another one, it has now changed its original name of IMSLP to IMDBP... hope they'l do a lot of small IM-something-else-P, dedicated as much as Pa and Ma...

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:19 pm
by Leonard Vertighel
dsoslglece wrote:... but I spent about 3 hours trying to find the library, to finaly discover that having been married to another one, it has now changed its original name of IMSLP to IMDBP...
Maybe there was some temporary network glitch while I wasn't looking, but I can assure you that the IMSLP Petrucci Music Library is still where it belongs under The IMDBP is a distinct (though related) upcoming project for a music database (hence the "DB" in the name). This is also briefly explained on the portal page.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:58 pm
by dsoslglece
thanks for the reply... sorry I didn't see it, doing all my investigations...

but also, when on IMDBP ('ve got to memorize those dam Letters !), trying to find in fact Beethoven septet, it said very clearly that it is under construction and that many things woudn't be available for quite a time... and indeed, having found Beethoven, and then septet, clickink on this brings an empty page...
I'll try it again in a while...

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:11 pm
by Leonard Vertighel
I'm not sure if I've been clear, so pardon me for stressing once more: The IMDBP is not the music score library. The IMDBP is a different project, and it is currently not ready to be used on its own.

To submit music scores, please use the site as usual. All the functions are available at the IMSLP site as usual. If you don't know how to submit music scores to the IMSLP, please find the instructions in the manual.

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:26 pm
by dsoslglece
Thanks for stressing it once more, since only now I got it...
In fact, last time that I did an update of FireFox, it removed all my urls... and I had to find them one by one...

So, I was missing the one you just gave me... Of course I didn't recognize a damn thing on this page... trying to find the library in the forum!...

Beside this, I know exactly what to do now, since I did already upload quite a few things on here, having lot of music sheets: a whole life of concerts, including lot of unknown masterpieces that all are impatient to arrive on here... :D

Re: Beethoven 7 Clarinet parts in Bb

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:42 am
by noqu
noqu wrote:Does anybody happen to have the clarinet parts for Beethoven's 7th transposed for Bb clarinet (the original is for A) ?
Seeing that dsolglece has kindly uploaded the clarinet parts of the Beethoven's Septett, I would like to emphasize once more that I was actually looking for Beethoven's 7th symphony.