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Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:34 pm
by oboenet
Hello friends!

I am a Oboe player. I have interest to get the manuscript of Mozart Oboe conceto k 314. I think exist in Mozarteum but I have no recent news. Can you help me?.

I am searching too a copy of the score of Fiala english horn concerto. Can you help me too?

Thanks in avanced.


Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:11 pm
by kalliwoda
The Mozart Oboe concerto (parts from the 18th century) are in the Mozarteum, they should be able to supply you with copies or scans. ... iothek.asp

The Fiala is in 18th century manuscript parts in the Prague Narodni Muzeum, Hudebni Oddelini (Music Department). But there is a rental score and parts at the archive of Czech MIC. ... it&ID=1451
If you are only considering a public performance, you may be able to get a 1 month rental of the score for a very limited fee.

Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 9:53 pm
by oboenet
Thanks Kalliwoda!!

Thanks for your very fast response, but I am searching not the mozarteum edition , I search the autograph of Mozart. Its possible I not explain very well in my last email.

I think is a very important think that the players can consult the autograph of the composers to clean very poor editions in the market.

Its possible to make this database here?..

Thanks newly and good night.


Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:18 am
by kalliwoda
Unfortunately, no autograph score has been preserved - for the oboe concerto or the corresponding flute concerto in D only copied manuscript parts are extant, both with serious mistakes.

The new Breitkopf critical edition is introduced on their website by:
Mozart is believed to have written an oboe concerto for the Salzburg virtuoso Giuseppe Ferlendis in 1777. The work was considered lost until 1920, when Bernhard Paumgartner discovered a copy of the parts that must have been written shortly before Mozart's death. Nevertheless, this copy proved to be much more unreliable than the copy of the parts of the flute concerto. Every source-critical edition must take these parts into consideration, as there is otherwise no extant source material aside from a brief autograph sketch.

You can see the "kritischen Bericht" of the NMA at ... =&l=1&p1=0

Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:15 pm
by Limbo
"there is otherwise no extant source material aside from a brief autograph sketch."

I am actually searching for the brief sketch you are referring to. Do you know where it is kept? It was printed in an issue of the journal 'the Double Reed' in 1986, but no reference was provided.

Thanks for your help!


Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 9:53 pm
by kalliwoda
I can only refer to the "Kritischer Bericht" der NMA (p.20, see previous post)
It describes the sketch and says "Privatbesitz" i.e. in private possession, no name or address given.
Maybe some scholar at the Mozarteum may be able to give more info??

Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2009 2:21 pm
by Notenschreiber
As an illustration from what we are talking:


Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:44 am
by Limbo
Notenschreiber wrote:As an illustration from what we are talking:

I assume you got this from the "Double Reed" article by Islay-May Renwick?

Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 2:45 am
by Limbo
kalliwoda wrote:I can only refer to the "Kritischer Bericht" der NMA (p.20, see previous post)
It describes the sketch and says "Privatbesitz" i.e. in private possession, no name or address given.
Maybe some scholar at the Mozarteum may be able to give more info??
Sorry for my ignorance, but can you help me find a way to get in touch with someone at the Mozarteum? Perhaps it's because I don't speak German but I can't seem to find anywhere on the website to contact someone....

Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 6:47 am
by Notenschreiber
I don´t remember the details, but the source is an issue of IDRS, which is freely available.

Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fiala en

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:57 am
by kalliwoda
If you just want to have a look at a better reproduction than the scan Notenschreiber kindly posted, you can look up the issue of the Journal of the Intl. Doublereed Society.
But if you would like to have access to the original for research purposes, then it becomes complicated, because this scetch is in private hands, and they apparently want to remain anonymous. That is why I suggested to contact some one at the Mozarteum: Someone in charge of the Mozart Archive may know or could at least guide you, where to ask:

You can read also in english, but here is the info
Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum Salzburg, Schwarzstrasse 26, A-5020 Salzburg
Tel. +43/662/88940-0 Fax. +43/662/88940-36 E-Mail:
And the Mozart Archiv is listed with
Opening hours Mon.-Fri. 9.00-12.00 p.m. and 2.00-5.00 p.m. Appointment per telephone requested.
Information: Tel.: +43-662-84 43 13-77 or 78 Fax: +43-662-84 06 93 Mail:

Re: Searching Mozart Oboe concerto k 314 Manuscript and Fial

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:34 pm
by Irishmaestro
Apologies in advance for reviving an old thread!

There is a colour reproduction of the sketch in question in the NMA Skizzen volume (X/30/3), where it is referred to as Skb 1777α. It would also appear that at some point between 1986 (when the Kritischer Bericht volume was published) and 1998 (when the Skizzen/sketches volume was published), the sketch was acquired by the Mozarteum, since Skizzen lists Mozarteum as the owner.