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Two requests

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:00 am
by Violist
For one, this has probably been asked before but i will ask again, can you upload any Shostakovich please. Preferably his symphonies... and if possible quartet number 8 :D. Also, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg by Wagner if at all possible. Thank you very much

Re: Two requests

Posted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 4:11 am
by daphnis
1.) Shostakovich - No, for reasons why read again the public domain page on the wiki.
2.) The full score to Meistersinger is over 800 pages

Re: Two requests

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 2:33 am
by Violist
What about the part in this video ... re=related. for the wagner piece.

Re: Two requests

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:55 am
by daphnis
Someone else is more than welcome to upload this, but I don't do partial work.

Re: Two requests

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 3:46 am
by madcapellan
I actually have a scan of the score of Die Meistersinger, but... I did it on a professional scanner at 600 dpi in two-page spreads. This has produced an unwieldy file that is around 630 MB in size. I'm not sure why the size is so large, and what could be done to reduce the size without reducing quality. My first thought was to "print" the file to .pdf, which looks like it might reduce the size by half or so, but I'm not sure the quality is quite as good. Also, I did 2 pages at once since it greatly increases the scanning speed, but I realize most of the files here are strictly one page per page. That said, I'd be happy to upload the file to the ftp or something and let the pros do what they will with it. With widescreen monitors now the norm, I actually don't mind the 2 page spreads, and I also don't have a program to do the splitting of the pages.

I'm curious if daphnis will let everyone in on his secret for small size 600 dpi files.

Re: Two requests

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 3:51 am
by daphnis
If you'll upload it to a 3rd party hosting site like Megaupload, I'll re-process it.

Re: Two requests

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 11:01 pm
by pml
May I congratulate you both on Meistersinger - this is a much desired score (and of Wagner's operas, we now lack full scores only for the Flegeljähre operas, Rienzi, Höllander, and Tannhäuser – albeit some full scores e.g. Parsifal are not of huge quality). Well done!

Re: Two requests

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 5:25 am
by madcapellan
Tannhäuser should be up in the next day or two, hopefully. I also have 600 dpi versions of Tristan and Parsifal, which would be big improvements on the low quality Variations versions. I do have a 400 dpi version of Dutchman, which doesn't look too terrible. I could either post it or redo it, since I generally prefer 600 dpi now.

The only version of Rienzi I've seen is part of the large Richard Wagner edition, which I'm sure is still under copyright. I'm not sure that there's ever been a Dover edition, and it certainly doesn't seem to exist now if it ever did. The earlier operas are even harder to come by. Unless someone happens to find one at a nearby library and lay out for it (especially in the case of the mammoth Rienzi), you're going to be out of luck for a while there.

It looks like I could also post the Rimsky-Korsakov version of Boris Godunov and Queen Of Spades if there's any interest in those...

Re: Two requests

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 6:16 am
by pml
There's an old full score of Rienzi out there besides the modern Wagner edition – 1000+ pages, of course, so not exactly trivial...