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Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:56 pm
by amati1588
Hey Guys!

I was just browsing Tchaikovsky Mazzepa, However it appears to be incomplete (full score) I do believe it has 3 Acts and a total of 19 scenes! And are there going to be Matching Orchestral Parts of the Complete Opera in the near Future?

And Prokofiev Romeo and Juliet, does anyone know where I can find a Violin 1 part for the Complete Ballet?

And Ravels Complete Ballet of Daphne and Chloe Violin 1 part as well!

Thanks so much guys!

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:13 pm
by vinteuil
The Prokofiev is something with which we probably can't help you, because of its being in copyright in many areas.
The Parts for Mazeppa are probably not going to come soon, so don't hold your breath.
However, is daphnis interested in scanning some ravel? :lol:

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:48 pm
by amati1588
Do you know where one can purchase a part for the Complete Opera?

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:49 pm
by vinteuil
I don't know where one can find complete operas in individual parts.

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:49 am
by madcapellan
The Ravel Daphnis et ChloƩ parts are available from Luck's (and probably Kalmus) for $25 a pop. And although Mazeppa is PD everywhere, no parts or score for the full opera are available (nor have I come across a Mazeppa score). Unfortunately, the Orchestral Music Library has not touched any operas outside of Wagner yet, and they neglected to do the complete Daphnis et ChloƩ for their Ravel CD, opting for the two cutout suites instead. All this adds up to you're probably SOL unless you want to shell out the dough for what you need.

The Prokofiev is something of an unholy love child of these two other works. The full score to the complete ballet is as hard to find as Mazeppa (despite being much more popular), while you'll probably only be able to find the two suites cut out from it instead (and yes, all of it is under copyright everywhere except Canada and other L+50 countries).

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:15 am
by amati1588
So most likely what one would be saying is there's no chance till hell freezes that these pieces will be PD. Unless one makes a generous purchase or makes an acquisition of such parts, and decides to "Contribute" to IMSLP.. So Thanks anyways..... In the Prokofiev sense they could be uploaded but made "B" or "TB" status until they've reached the "length of Terms" of being under copyright..

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 8:19 am
by amati1588
Oh and another thing, I was just merely pointing out a fruitful observation of the fact the score is incomplete in the PD, maybe one could care to browse at their convenience?

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 2:08 pm
by Davydov
You are correct that the full score of Act III hasn't been uploaded to the site. This might be because the user who did the scanning for Acts I and II (Nerd011235) wasn't able to finish the job for some reason. A message was posted on his/her user talk page yesterday asking about this, so that's the place to watch for any response.

Re: Tchaikovsky Mazzepa

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:41 pm
by amati1588
Cool, also if one could browse at their convenience again, the end of Act 2 is missing, hence scene 14. So it might be worth mentioning again. Thanks! And another question do you know if there are Orchestral Parts in circulation to this Opera? (Maybe one, I don't know a lot about IMSLP, thus being recently informed earlier this year. Since works and parts are acquisitioned from various instituutes, private library as such maybe one could find out if these exist and are PD?)