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Hildegard von Bingen
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:25 am
by Jay77710
As a student currently studying composition, I am looking for any scores of the 12th century composer Hildegard von Bingen for a project of mine.
After searching high and low for any of these scores on the internet, I have had no luck. Can anyone help me out?
- Jay
Re: Hildegard von Bingen
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 2:18 am
by KGill
I assume you mean scores other than the one we have here already?
Re: Hildegard von Bingen
Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2011 8:18 am
by pml
Of course, given that that score is a
facsimile of a 12th century codex, you have to be able to read mediæval latin and notation…
The corpus of Hildegard’s music has been edited by numerous musicologists, e.g. the edition by Barbara Newman: a (physical) library should help you out if the facsimile of the codex doesn’t.
CPDL has some transcriptions of Hildegard’s pieces: the votive antiphon
O virtus Sapientiæ and the responsory
O nobilissima viriditas; these are items no. 4 and 41 in the
Riesencodex. ;-)
WIMA also has the responsory
O nobilissima viriditas, along with the hymn
O ignee Spiritus (no. 60) and antiphon
Spiritus sanctus vivificans vita (no. 8).
Cheers, Philip