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Schütz Manuscripts

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:01 am
by NLewis
Can someone upload some manuscripts from Heinrich Schütz's choral works? They have some interesting uses of the subbass clef, which were taken out by editors and replaced with the more common bass clef. Thanks!

Re: Schütz Manuscripts

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:58 am
by pml
I’m hoping someone will upload Opus 2, which includes all of the Gabrieli-style pieces that Schütz composed in the wake of his experiences in Venice, and these use all of the clefs from sopranino down to sub-basso.

I've seen a few pieces (reproduced in Das Chorwerk) which have the famed Gamma clef. On the middle stave line.

Cheers, PML