Bela Bartok - The Miraculous Mandarin

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Bela Bartok - The Miraculous Mandarin

Post by kataskionn » ... tók,_Béla)

Please, open the access to that file. 80 years (!) have passed. I really need the scores, so, please, upload it again. Thank you
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Re: Bela Bartok - The Miraculous Mandarin

Post by KGill »

Published 1927, so under copyright in the US until 2023. Under copyright in the EU until 2016 (due to Bartok's death date), Jan. 1 of which general access will be possible through the EU server here. Unfortunately we are not at liberty to release copyrighted material simply because someone "really need[s] the scores", as it would swiftly open us to (quite justified) legal action. (Although it is free in Canada, the company that owns the site is located in the US, so in order to avoid trouble we have to prevent anything copyrighted there being downloadable from the Canadian servers.) I guess you will just have to wait the three and a half years, or purchase a copy of the score.
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