Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.ORG

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Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.ORG

Post by jdeperi »

This post explains:
  • How to upload to the IMSLP-US server PD-US scores that are non-PD CA/EU
  • How to link to those scores from IMSLP.ORG
***Note: The IMSLP-US upload process is not automated and file permissions are not granular, so the only way to manage scores on IMSLP-US is to become an admin. Please contact me if you would like to become an admin, and I will create an account for you.

~~~Managing Scores~~~
Log in to http://www.imslp.us/admin/ using the user name and password I've provided you. First change your password by clicking on second-to-rightmost "Admin" toolbar icon. You'll be presented with a file browser interface showing the contents of http://www.imslp.us/scores/. You may upload, download, pack, unpack, modify, move, delete, rename, and chmod files and directories using the toolbar and by dragging and right-clicking on individual items. As an admin, you have full control over all scores on IMSLP-US!
Alternatively, if you'd like to batch-upload files by FTP, which in fact is required for files larger than 64 MB, just let me know and I'll create an FTP account for you.

There are two special directories:
  • =PD-CA
    contains PD-US scores that have recently become PD-CA and need to be uploaded to IMSLP.ORG then removed from IMSLP-US
    contains scores that have not yet been organized into the IMSLP-US directory structure and to which links have not yet been added to IMSLP.ORG.
For other directories, the following guidelines apply:
  • If a score is not located in either of the above two directories, then it should be linked-to on IMSLP.ORG. In other words, scores not located in the above two directories are "in production".
  • Every such score should be contained in a directory of the form LastName_FirstName_DeathYear, where the names and year of death are those of the most-recently-deceased individual holding copyright on the score. This approach has been adopted in order to make it easy to move scores to IMSLP.ORG as they enter Canadian copyright; the score can only be moved once the last copyright-holder's claim ceases. If the death year is not known, name the directory LastName_FirstName_UNKNOWN. If the death year is only known to be after a particular date (such as a known date of activity), name the directory LastName_FirstName_afterYYYY. Examples:
    • for a Stravinsky transcription of a Mussorgsky song, file the score in the directory Stravinsky_Igor_1971
    • for a Ravel song with lyrics by Tristan Klingsor, file the score under Klingsor_Tristan_1966.
  • The file name of the score itself should adhere to the following naming convention, specifying the composer's last name, the work's title and opus number, arrangement-related information, and the type of score (full score, parts, etc.). Examples:
    • /LastName_FirstName_YYYY/Bach_-_SheepMaySafelyGraze_BWVXXX_arrStringQuartet_Parts
~~~Linking to IMSLP-US scores on IMSLP.ORG~~~
To insert metadata for IMSLP-US scores on the IMSLP.ORG wiki, please use the form at http://imslp.us/link/generate.html to generate the markup to be pasted into the relevant work page. In addition, if the work (as opposed to just the score, as in the case of more recent derivatives of older works) is PD-US-only, insert the category {{WorkPD-USonly}} at the top of the Work page.

If you have any questions, criticisms, or recommendations concerning the above, please feel free to post to this topic or contact me directly.

Jonathan DePeri
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

If I wished to create a subfolder for someone whose date of death is- it seems- hardly even estimated (beyond a flourishing date that may not be anywhere even vaguely near their date of death, just that of their last known-to-me activity) what would you suggest? :) (even in the 20th century all too common of course.)
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by jdeperi »

@Eric: In that case, I recommend using the naming LastName_FirstName_after19XX. This will indicate to all users and contributors that the death date is after 19XX. That way, once 19XX + 50/70 (or whatever future copyright laws require) rolls around, everyone can be certain that the scores will have entered the public domain in the relevant countries.

I've updated the above documentation with this point. Thanks for asking!

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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

It's precisely the generate.html form that I've been using, but apparently the links it creates do not go where they should lately. OS 10.6.7, Mac Intel 2-proc. machine (about 3 years old), Safari 5.0.5 (6533.21.1).
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by pml »

Hi Eric, Jonathan,

the only part of the Wiki markup that is problematic is the File Path variable – the server-us template doesn’t require a fully qualified URL, but just the relative path name on the server, starting with the composer directory (usually of the form Surname_Firstnames_Year). This should be relatively easy to fix – at either place!

Cheers, Philip
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by jdeperi »

@Eric, @pml:

I just fixed the link generator, making it compatible with the (new) templates in use and documented above. (Formerly we were using a different template, and when we switched to the new one I forgot to modify the markup generator accordingly).

I apologize for the inconvenience.

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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

thanks much - this helps a lot.
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

hrm. I may have to use "after 1958" since that's all I know about this person- he might have died before or after 1958 but that's the whole worry and why I have to upload to the imslp.us server (hrm- maybe better not to upload at all, actually, unless I can actually find out a death date or a better approximate one for this author/translator. sorry to mumble. :) )
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by jdeperi »


If the author/translator's contribution was published before 1923, then it's probably PD in the US, so you could contribute it. Check http://imslp.org/wiki/Public_domain or ask questions in the appropriate forum if you're unsure or want clarification.

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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

it's PD-US (it's Blair Fairchild's opus 29 "2 Bible Lyrics" for two soloists, chorus and orchestra, published 1911 by WH Gray in vocal score, but I can't figure out the translator's death date I do think- the translator of the text into French (an integral part of the vocal score unless I use the brush tool of iPhoto to try to remove all the translated text!... I suppose I could try to do that too, though it would be a right mess...)

published something as late as 1958, it seems, suggesting that he had a good chance of having been alive in 1961 - unless it was posthumously published. that latter work- not the work I'm uploading - seems not to have been a republication, that i can tell, which is something I check for when it comes to flourishing-dates of course ...) the reason I don't create a folder in imslp-us for Stœcklin (diacritic opened-out of course) - the translator- is because with what little information I have, all I can say is "he probably was alive in 1958"- which isn't very helpful in determining Canadian PD status and so Stoecklin_Paulde_After1958 isn't a very useful title for a directory :)... I need more information about him, if I get same I'll restore the workpage, etc., create a folder on imslp.us if he -did- die after 1960, etc. ... that's my reasoning anyways! *slump* *crashes* *falls a... er... sorry.*
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

hrm. another question. using it fine on Safari on my Mac now, but the FilePD-USonly category never seems to turn up anymore :)
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by jdeperi »

@Eric, it's no longer part of the markup, but it is part of the template. When you save the markup on an IMSLP.ORG wiki page and view the page, you should see the PD-US-only information. Do you in fact see it?

When ed created the new and improved FTE template, he did it this way so that redundant information needn't be included in the markup.

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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

no, that is what I meant... Quartet 4 of Zolotarev and the one or two others I've done recently (at most- so far as imslp.us is concerned I've been on vacation!) have WorkPD-USonly but not FilePD-USonly, is what I meant. not sure why- fairly sure should have both? I may have put it in wrong but I don't think I did anything differently.
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Carolus »

File US only theoretically should only com into play when there is an arrangement by a composer who is not free in Canada of an original work which is free in Canada (Stravinsky's orchestration of Mussorgsky's Song of the Flea, for example). I think the earlier versions of the US template added the File US only additionally to pages like Stravinsky, all of whose files would necessarily be free in the USA only, to pages of works which are free in the USA only.
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Re: Uploading scores to IMSLP-US and adding links on IMSLP.O

Post by Eric »

ah. I thought i remembered it doing so more generally, that is.. always when uploading to imslp.us... hrm...

(as well as to... ah yes! e.g. the other example I can think of was a file containing pd-us-only information - translator, was it? - for an otherwise plain score by-ah right.

http://imslp.org/wiki/A_Raffaelo_divino ... co_Enrico) - I remember that one, which was definitely file but not work-pd-us-only. but for some reason I'd recalled it as a hierarchy (work-implies-file :) ) which I suppose it is not. Thanks and sorry about all the trouble... appreciated!
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