PDF size limit

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Re: PDF size limit

Post by kalliwoda »

Unfortunately, Scan-Tailor is available only for Windows or Linux - not for Mac OS-X.

Daphnis correctly points out that you should accumulate your scans as single page files, even without Scan-Tailor.
You can just print each scan (300, better 600 dpi lineart/bitmap) to pdf, then use a program like pdf-sam (free) to combine all to a single multipage pdf. This should not take a lot more time, and you contribute a very good scan to imslp.
(maybe newer Acrobat Pro versions allow that too, my Acrobat 5 does not, I can only manually add page after page...)

If you have a bit extra time to improve your scans in Photoshop:
If you want to deskew without Scan-Tailor, you can scan as (or concert to) greyscale (600 dpi), rotate each one manually to straighten, then choose a splitpoint for conversion to b/w, use a filter to "remove dust and scratches" (2 point), then convert to 600dpi bitmap and print to pdf.
Last edited by kalliwoda on Fri May 13, 2011 3:14 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by daphnis »

Right, forgot about that, thanks for reminding me. Then skip ScanTailor and use Photoshop to manually remove artifacts etc. The most important thing is making sure the images coming from your scanner/scanning software are correct. You should not need to use Photoshop to get them in the correct format or color space, because doing so inevitably means a reduction in quality.
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by nysavoyard »

Thanks again..

Please have a look at this sample: http://www.mediafire.com/i/?3v42ob2cesxgo38

Granted, the PDF detail quality is a touch on the soft side, but as the score it was copied from seems to have been a late printing, its quality wasn't ideal either.

I didn't see any halos you mentioned, and I made this sample from the aforementioned 30.8MB file reduced from the 153MB original scan (which was made in Epson's Professional mode, set at 300 dpi.) and which I've downloaded on another Mac - so whatever artifacts you're seeing may have to do with your system - but at least not mine. Does anyone else experience this?

Unfortunately, further scanning isn't feasible, as the score's been returned to the library. I also hope people realize that scanning a fragile, bound copy of 127 dog-eared, brittle pages took nearly a week, and it's not going to happen again.

If IMSLP would like to add this to its collection, I would ask if A.) the present 30.8MB PDF quality is acceptable (and please compare this fairly good quality with some of the other Gilbert and Sullivan scores I've downloaded from IMSLP) or B. I'd be pleased to upload either or both the 84MB and the 153MB (original scan quality) to a designated site so that someone could work whatever software magic is necessary to bring it up to standard.

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Re: PDF size limit

Post by nysavoyard »

This is the same page from the original scan. the file size is 1.4MB. Its quality doesn't seem so much better than that of the above, reduced scan:


Here we have a sample from an IMSLP-downloaded v. of "Princess Ida". Note the quality:

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Re: PDF size limit

Post by daphnis »

Both of these images are not in the correct format. They are not TIFFs and they are not in 1-bit. I guess since you no longer have access to the score just upload what you have. Something is better than nothing after all...
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by nysavoyard »

Well, thanks.

The gift horse may not have perfect teeth, but it can still do a bit of work.

Pettruccians must allow to sometimes have what they pay for. (with some leniency for us amateurs!)

Now, on to the uploading - where, and how, please?
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by KGill »

Rather simple instructions for uploading files to IMSLP can be found here: http://imslp.org/wiki/IMSLP:Quick_Guide ... Submission
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by kalliwoda »

Regarding scan quality: unfortuntely, some libraries have scanning projects that seem to try to protect publishers interests to the point where scans are barely readable, like the scans from the Indiana Variations project, and the scans by U. of Illinois are similar - still better than nothing on imslp, and your scan in the pdf-version is very welcome and looks much better than the sample from Illinois. Don't hesitate to ask again, if there are problems to upload your file.

For best results, you should go back to your original scans (if its a multipage file split it into single pages), open all these pages in Photoshop, convert to lineart/bitmap at 300 dpi (or if your original scans are still greyscale 300dpi you can improve results by converting to 600 dpi lineart/bitmap) and then recompile to pdf. You could do that with an actions command for all pages rather than manually handle each page separately.

To consider, should you ever want to scan another score:
I have looked a little more into the Epson scanner software on my Mac (and I am translating from a german version): Since you said you used "Epson professional modus" I assume, that you may use a version of "Epson Scan". There you can choose "black and white" for the type of original, scan resolution and then next to the "scan button" is a dropdown menu with only one choice (settings for saving your scans) which opens when you hold the cursor a while over it: Preset is saving your scans as 75% compressed jpg color scans, and this produces huge files that look like your scans. The "halos" I referred to are a jpg compression artefact and only visible if you zoom to actually view individual pixels. You can change the settings there to tiff (preferred for further image manipulation) or pdf (using a preset Epson pdf plugin), and the latter results in monochrome b/w files (75k at 300 dpi, 175k at 600dpi for my testscan).
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by nysavoyard »

Dear Kalliwoda friend,

Thank you for your kind suggestions. I've been away this past week, but will soon try to upload the "Patience" PDF to IMSLP. You will forgive me for not going with your procedures, but simply dealing with the 30.8 MB file I've generated...since you've found it at least surpasses the quality of the Illinois U. upload. And this could suffice for now, for when I have more time, I may follow your Photoshop instructions - which at present are just a bit beyond my time and capability.

I am pleased to participate actively with IMSLP in this capacity, and hope others may benefit thereby. My only question is, having looked over the 'quick guide to score submission" link provided by KGill:
http://imslp.org/wiki/IMSLP:Quick_Guide ... Submission
is about creating the "work page" it refers to. I'm afraid I need simple instructions (step by step is best) for that. Do I create this page on MediaFire? Since I'm cautioned not to read the full manual, I'd rather avoid it for expediency just now. After all, I'm not uploading all 100 + Haydn symphonies. As I see it, the quick guide is perfunctory.


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Re: PDF size limit

Post by KGill »

nysavoyard wrote:My only question is, having looked over the 'quick guide to score submission" link provided by KGill:
http://imslp.org/wiki/IMSLP:Quick_Guide ... Submission
is about creating the "work page" it refers to. I'm afraid I need simple instructions (step by step is best) for that. Do I create this page on MediaFire? Since I'm cautioned not to read the full manual, I'd rather avoid it for expediency just now. After all, I'm not uploading all 100 + Haydn symphonies. As I see it, the quick guide is perfunctory.
If you look on any composer page while logged in, you will see a link that says 'Add a piece to this page'. Clicking on that will allow you to specify the work's title, instrumentation, etc., and automatically create a new page for you using the information you put in.
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by kalliwoda »

Actually, for your intended contribution things are much simpler, as there is already a workpage for "Patience" on the Sullivan composer page.
If you open this page "http://imslp.org/wiki/Patience_(Sullivan,_Arthur)", you will find the piano 4-hand scores already present, and directly under those a line "Add a score file to this page"

To proceed, you should be logged-in at imslp.

Click on the link "Add a score file to this page" , and fill in as much information as you have, then click "submit".
Nothing more you are required to do.

Your upload will then be at the bottom of the files on the page. Some moderator will soon review copyright and may re-order the files on the page, so that your original vocal score is on top and the derivative piano 4-hand ones further down on the page.

Later, if you are logged in, you can click the "history" and "edit" buttons and view what has been done on the workpage do display your upload perfectly. Or compare a workpage that has a beautiful layout with the page you just uploaded a file to in the edit view. That's how I have learned to edit a page and often I just copy and paste from a suitable "master page" to the one I contributed too.

P.S. Thank you for not getting discouraged by my comments - I tried to suggest easy ways to improve your file, not to impose on you to invest precious time.
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by nysavoyard »

Thanks for all help. File uploaded and awaiting approval.
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Re: PDF size limit

Post by Carolus »

Congratulations - and thank you. It's approved and available. Not only that, but the page for Patience is now updated with some links to the G & S Archive, Marc Shepherd's amazing discography, the Wikipedia article, plus a link to the Internet Archive's sound files of their digitization of the 1930 D'Oyly Carte recording.
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