Can someone help me? I am trying to find the score for "Tod und Auferstehung Christi"(Death and Resurrection of Christ) by E.B. Scheve. Please send me a reply as to where I may find the information that I am looking for. Thanks.
First, I changed the title of your post to include composer/title. Some people don't really look at posts unless the title is something they find interesting.
Second, this one is really quite obscure, but not completely inaccessible. Publshed in 1908 by the Missionbuchhandlung Bethel in Berlin, I found a copy in the Grinnell College Library, which is where Scheve taught from 1906-1924. They have a box of his published scores in a special collection. Grinnell College is in Iowa. I don't know if they would be willing to digitize it.
A better bet might be the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz. They have a copy, and they also have a digitization service, but I don't know what, if anything, it would cost.
more or less 0,50 eurocents per page; but for scores printed after 1850 or so they could also accept to make photocopies, for at least half of the price