Russian state library: translation needed

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Russian state library: translation needed

Post by coulonnus »

Can anybody provide an short English guide for searching and downloading something from
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Re: Russian state library: translation needed

Post by kalliwoda »

Not a translation, but ... 7/&lang=en
is an english language access to the digital music collection At 13329 items as of June 2011, this is a very large collection. However, individual parts are listed as separate items.

Searching with latin alphabet works very well, as most 19th century title pages were not excusively cyrillic.
Green links are free access (i.e. public domain works), red links are not free (as far as I can tell, all under copyright).
Once you have chosen an item with the green link, change to Acrobat Reader and click the button to download.
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Re: Russian state library: translation needed

Post by Peterdyson49 »

I found that a search in latin characters for Arensky produced 60 hits and the titles appear in cyrillic of course: cutting and pasting Аренский produced 150 hits. Happy hunting.

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Re: Russian state library: translation needed

Post by coulonnus »

Thank you for these hints!
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Re: Russian state library: translation needed

Post by WilliamBunting »

How to search sigla

Unforunately the graphics have disappeared

This is the blue start screen

Виртуальная клавиатура

Электронный каталог Электронная библиотека
Расширенный поиск

1 Enter your search term in the bar beneath the heading. Example violin , Cui etc English OK
2 Choose Электронный каталог catalog Электронная библиотека library (downloadable scores) or both
3 Click on (find)
The following info comes up:

(Работайте с результатами не дожидаясь окончания поиска. Информация о результатах поиска обновляется автоматически.)
Показать все результаты
Объединенный результат
первые 20 найденных записей из каждого каталога объединяются в кластеры
0 записей ЭБ РГБ – Старопечатные книги [info]

2 записи
ЭБ РГБ – Универсальное собрание [info]

67 записей
ЭБ РГБ – Нотные издания [info]

3 записи
ЭБ РГБ – Электронная библиотека диссертаций [info]

0 записей ЭБ РГБ – Электронная Ленинка [info]

Поиск завершен

This line is of interest: the number of scores, in this case 67 :

67 записей
ЭБ РГБ – Нотные издания [info]

4 Click on the no of scores and this comes up: (example for Cui)

Найдено 67 записей. Для сортировки результатов нажмите на название колонки.
Страница: 1234Далее Всего найдено: 67

1. Кюи, Цезарь Антонович A Argenteau : recueil de 9 pieces caracteristiques pour piano : Оp. 40 / par Cesar Cui

Количество страниц: 49 с.

Электронный ресурс
w. Bessel & C-ie, 1887 описание
в подборку

2. Кюи, Цезарь Антонович Trois impromptus : pour piano : Op. 35 / par Cesar Cui

Количество страниц: 19 с.

Электронный ресурс
W. Bessel описание
в подборку

(etc 67 times)

As you can see, the central part is in a W European language even for Russian composers.

Электронный ресурс in green means you can download it. Red means you can't.

5 Click on Электронный ресурс
This screen comes up:

Открытие документа
Документ находится в свободном доступе.
Откройте документ с помощью Acrobat Reader.
Предварительно установите соответствующее программное обеспечение на компьютере.

Acrobat Reader

Acrobat Reader - бесплатная программа Adobe Reader 9 обеспечивает удобство просмотра и печати файлов PDF, а также совместной работы с ними.
Перейти на страницу разработчка, чтобы скачать программу

6 Put a bullet in Acrobat reader.

7 Click on submit (otkrit)
8 Choose open(view) or save. Files are normal PDF
9 To search again go back to the start and click on Простой поиск

Виртуальная клавиатура
Простой поиск

Please ask for more info if needed.

Good luck
William Bunting
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Re: Russian state library: translation needed

Post by WilliamBunting »

Hello RSL fans:

One point you might like to note with RSL: to make sure you have all the works by a given composer.

Find his/her works using Roman letters.

Copy the cyrillic version of the name (highlight and choose copy), from the left side of the screen.

Go back to the top of the page. Paste the cyrillic name into the search box and try again. You may find it gives you some more scores.

In my experience the simple search box is the most effective.
However, the main problem is getting too many answers . For example if you want to look for violin and piano pieces other than sonatas you enter "violin" and "piano" (best in French in fact for 19th c pieces). This gives you all the pieces with a variety of titles such as Romance Melody Serenade etc, but also unwanted p trios p quintets and so on.

Has anyone mastered the detailed search boxes?
Regards WB
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