Tantum Ergo by Giuseppe Rossi

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Tantum Ergo by Giuseppe Rossi

Post by Quisque »

I would like to submit the score for Tantum Ergo by Giuseppe Rossi (library record: http://goo.gl/LF8fwx), but I'm uncertain about its copyright status.
According to the plate number, E. 130 C., I can guess it has been published long before 1923: Editore Marcello Capra, as far as I know, has indeed begun activity in 1906. I don't have any further information about the composer.

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Tantum Ergo by Giuseppe Rossi

Post by Carolus »

There should be no problem as far as USA status is concerned. The biggest problem I can see is trying to identify the composer. MusicSack lists no less than six Giuseppe Rossi names. The Italian library you linked to appears to have mis-identified the composer of this piece (from late 19th or early 20th century) with a music critic active in the mid-to-late 20th century. If the composer died after 1963, there is a problem as our main server is in Canada, with a 50 pma copyright term. Yet another example of why dates are increasingly important.
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Re: Tantum Ergo by Giuseppe Rossi

Post by Choralia »

The fact that this work is available at the "Biblioteca dell'Istituto internazionale don Bosco" might be significant. In 1907 Giovanni Battista Lemoyne wrote that around 1858 Don Bosco wrote himself a "simple Tantum Ergo", which was supposed to be still available at the Musical Archive of Don Bosco's Oratory. I wonder if this printed edition was originated from Don Bosco's score, erroneously attributed to Giuseppe Rossi who was one of Don Bosco's main collaborators.

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Re: Tantum Ergo by Giuseppe Rossi

Post by coulonnus »

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