Spanish composer names

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Spanish composer names

Post by VictorEijkhout »

I have just created a page, but I'm not sure about the right way of breaking the composer's name. I can find nothing about him in public sources.

Here's the Grove entry.
Pacheco y Basanta, José
(b Mondoñedo, 15 Dec 1784; d Mondoñedo, 23 March 1865). Spanish composer. He joined the choir of Mondoñedo Cathedral in 1795, and, after his voice broke became organist there while studying composition. His first public appearance took place at Christmas 1804, when he directed some villancicos he had composed himself for the festivities; from that time onwards, he was put in charge of the care and education of the choirboys, and in 1806 he was formally appointed maestro de capilla. Most of Pacheco's professional activities took place at the heart of Mondoñedo Cathedral. He received offers to transfer to Lugo, in 1817, and to Oviedo, in 1833, and also competed, unsuccessfully, for the directorship of Santiago de Compostela.
I've created this page ... _Jos%C3%A9

and cited on it the Grove article according to their MLA standard. The way they break the name seems strange, but I don't doubt they are right so you may have to rename that page I made.
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Re: Spanish composer names

Post by Davydov »

The source we normally look at first is VIAF ( This shows two versions of his name:
  • Pacheco, José 1784-1865 - used by the National Library of Spain
  • Pacheco y Basanta, José, 1784-1865 - used by the Library of Congress/NACO
In cases where different libraries use different variants, the version used by the person's own national library is usually the more reliable. in this case that would be Spain, and "Pacheco, José". Would you have any objection to the name being changed to this form?
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Re: Spanish composer names

Post by VictorEijkhout »

Go ahead and change. That shorter form was in fact used on the original sheet music of the vilanchico I just arranged. It was only when I looked him up in the Grove that I found the longer form.

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Re: Spanish composer names

Post by Davydov »

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