Listening to the sound of videos with Youtube

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Listening to the sound of videos with Youtube

Post by coulonnus »

On a computer with Windows 8, with Firefox or IE I see the video but can't hear any sound. The sound is correct with videos from Dailymotion, Viadeo etc and with MP3's and MIDI's from imslp or elsewhere. This situation came last week.

On another computer with XP, things are perfect with Flock from 2008, but with IE I hear the sound and the browser window remains blank.

Am I the only one in this situation? Can't a malicious Youtube "feature" change the settings of my browsers? Which one(s)?
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Re: Listening to the sound of videos with Youtube

Post by horndude77 »

That's strange. Hopefully this isn't too dumb of a suggestion, but check youtube's volume control near the bottom left of the video area. I've muted this before and forgot to turn it back on.
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Re: Listening to the sound of videos with Youtube

Post by coulonnus »

Thanks for IE on Windows 8. I had turned the loudspeaker off in my agitation. But for Firefox the loudpeaker icon and the sound were OK this morning.
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