IMSLP profiles that have a link to WIkipedia/Wikidata?
As Wikidata has more external identifiers also other like VIAF are of interest to easier identify a match
Magnus Sälgö
Stockholm, Sweden
Wikidata is the data layer of Wikipedia ==> one article in WIkipedia has an entry i Wikidata
All different language versions of an article in WIkipedia has the same Wikidata entry e.g.
IMSLP Category:Avenarius,_Ferdinand
is the same as
Wikidata Q85155
that has WIkipedia entries
- de: Ferdinand_Avenarius
- en: Ferdinand_Avenarius
- sv: Ferdinand_Avenarius
- ....
- Property P839
- DIscussion page P839
- As we have a query language [ SPARQL] we easy can query WIkidata
- Map showing Birth/death/burial location for people in Wikidata with IMSLP
- Present a timeline for Timeline] people who died before 1600 and have IMSLP with link Wikidata with filter country of Birth and Link Wikidata
Is a tool written for connecting external sources to Wikidata IMSLP is 958 ==> you can see an overview of number of items that are matched/automatched or not matched.....
My thought if we could get a list from you with
- IMSLP id
- Wikipedia URL
this matching will go faster....