Scantailor update!

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Scantailor update!

Post by Sallen112 »

Is anyone here still using the version of this program? Did you know for all of this time this program has been updated since the version (since 2012) that is on the regular site? Their already up to 1.0.14 on github and I tried it and it is way more improved than the older version (new features have been added).

You can get the download here:

Keep in mind this is a prerelease version so their is no installer compared to the old version, you extract the ZIP and all of the folder's contents onto you HDD somewhere and just click on the .exe to open it.

Its not even called "Scantailor" anymore its "Scantailor Advanced" now. Keep in mind their is no installer because its in a prerelease state, you just download it, extract it and load up the exe application. I downloaded the 64 bit version.

Its a Dark version now by default now, which is much easier on the eyes now, compared to the old one, which is in white and gray.

Actually you can enable the old light version in the settings option under "tools". You can also enable other margin measurement tools now finally, by inches, centimeters and Pixels now! Their are also several other newer features here which I have no idea what they mean.
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Re: Scantailor update!

Post by Eric »

haven't used it in some time but might try it to see if between newer version and newer machine I can get it to work again. Thanks.
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