Naxos Music Library

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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by imslp »

Manekmistry wrote:FYI, there's still a page on the website that includes this language: "Every IMSLP membership comes with full access to the Naxos Music Library, a library of more than 1.8 million tracks for instant streaming. Access through the Naxos Music Library mobile app available for iPhone/iPad and Android is also provided." It sounds like that's not completely true anymore. The page is I got there by entering "Naxos" in the search bar.
Page deleted. It was not linked to anywhere on the site but I guess Google still had it.
coulonnus wrote:
Eric wrote:Can you give a specific example?
An interesting example is ... C_Leopold) I remember having listened to Opp. 30 and 35 also performed by Kemp English but they are not on these work pages.
I don't have the list of labels, but maybe unsurprisingly, none of the major labels will allow Naxos to sub-license however it wants with their stuff. So, it ends up being all the smaller labels. That said, unless you are looking for a specific performer, the quality of the stuff seems quite good to me. I've been enjoying the Infinity Radio quite a bit myself.
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by coulonnus »

imslp wrote:That said, unless you are looking for a specific performer, the quality of the stuff seems quite good to me. I've been enjoying the Infinity Radio quite a bit myself.
Do you see any stuff with another performer on ... C_Leopold) or ... C_Leopold) in your country?
Then perhaps a cache issue or similar. :-) Of course I am open to other performers.
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by imslp »

coulonnus wrote:
imslp wrote:That said, unless you are looking for a specific performer, the quality of the stuff seems quite good to me. I've been enjoying the Infinity Radio quite a bit myself.
Do you see any stuff with another performer on ... C_Leopold) or ... C_Leopold) in your country?
Then perhaps a cache issue or similar. :-) Of course I am open to other performers.
Didn't realize those pages didn't have any recordings. But yeah, of course there will be works that used to have recordings but don't have any more.
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by coulonnus »

imslp wrote:But yeah, of course there will be works that used to have recordings but don't have any more.
But then the $22.00 fee must decrease!!! The nag message for non-subscribers says: Benefits of a standard membership:
"Full streaming access to the commercial recording library on IMSLP".
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by Eric »

There are other benefits to an IMSLP membership besides NML, you know.

And even with the decreased access to NML, I don't expect to be able to hear what's left in my lifetime. Just started listening to (using the "disc" button which makes up for the absent ability to listen to entire CDs easily before- anyway...!)
14 hours' worth (one volume) of Leusink's complete Bach cantata cycle (Brilliant Classics reissue). (Not going to finish even that partial selection of it just today, but I've been meaning to listen to a lot more of those wonderful works in one or another terrific recording...)

Don't wholly disagree with you to be sure (but I intend to renew- with my own money- when my subscription is up in some years (keyn ayen horeh, it'll be there to renew and the site will - etc. etc. etc. etc. but why borrow trouble.)
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by imslp »

coulonnus wrote:
imslp wrote:But yeah, of course there will be works that used to have recordings but don't have any more.
But then the $22.00 fee must decrease!!! The nag message for non-subscribers says: Benefits of a standard membership:
"Full streaming access to the commercial recording library on IMSLP".
Remember, though, that the fee did not increase when we added Naxos, and members do still have access to the commercial recording library on IMSLP.
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by coulonnus »

yeah, thanks. I looked at the old forum postings and Naxos appeared after the subscription fee. :-)
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by lworthin »

imslp wrote:Hey guys,

Just want to announce a new feature called Infinity Radio. This is a semi-random stream of Naxos recordings, but can be limited to any category and intersect - just click the radio symbol. The general station (using all Naxos recordings) is
Another example:

This is great. Can you provide a list of what I can successfully "intersect" with? From the list of time periods, I know I can get, say, "Romantic" and "Modern", but I don't know how to get "early 20th century" or nationalities or specific composers or possibly other specifications (concertos, chamber, etc.).

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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by lworthin »

imslp wrote:
The entire licensed collection will be accessible via all IMSLP apps.
I cannot find any IMSLP apps. Are you talking about Android stuff I can get in the Play Store, for example?

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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by imslp »

lworthin wrote:
imslp wrote:Hey guys,

Just want to announce a new feature called Infinity Radio. This is a semi-random stream of Naxos recordings, but can be limited to any category and intersect - just click the radio symbol. The general station (using all Naxos recordings) is
Another example:

This is great. Can you provide a list of what I can successfully "intersect" with? From the list of time periods, I know I can get, say, "Romantic" and "Modern", but I don't know how to get "early 20th century" or nationalities or specific composers or possibly other specifications (concertos, chamber, etc.).

Any category/intersect works as long as it has at least 2 pages with Naxos recordings on them.

I assume you are using "Category:People from the Early 20th century era" which is a list of composers rather than works. You should use the work equivalent here: ... %27s_style

Other genres can be found on the genre browser page, all should support the radio:
lworthin wrote:
imslp wrote:
The entire licensed collection will be accessible via all IMSLP apps.
I cannot find any IMSLP apps. Are you talking about Android stuff I can get in the Play Store, for example?

Android is not out yet, only iOS/iPad. The first Android tablet version is planned to be released by end of next week. Android/iOS phone versions will follow in the next few months.
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by imslp »

And just in case it is not clear, you should click the radio icon near the category search box.
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by lworthin »

imslp wrote:And just in case it is not clear, you should click the radio icon near the category search box.
Thanks for the explanation! I was trying to build the URLs by hand. :)
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by Eric »

imslp wrote:
coulonnus wrote:
imslp wrote:That said, unless you are looking for a specific performer, the quality of the stuff seems quite good to me. I've been enjoying the Infinity Radio quite a bit myself.
Do you see any stuff with another performer on ... C_Leopold) or ... C_Leopold) in your country?
Then perhaps a cache issue or similar. :-) Of course I am open to other performers.
Didn't realize those pages didn't have any recordings. But yeah, of course there will be works that used to have recordings but don't have any more.
There's oddly only 5 Kozeluch sonata pages that -do- have recordings listed now - from isolated instances of the complete-in-progress Grand Piano and Brilliant Classics series.
Likewise we used to have most of Raff's symphonies from Naxos (Marco Polo reissues) and cpo CDs, now we just have symphonies 1, 3, 5, and 10 (1, 3 and 10 from Naxos, I think, 5 from a Dynamic CD). Pity. (Yes, one has to be, like me, a Raff fan to care about that at all. But.)
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by Eric »

Amending that in a more positive direction.
A category walk reveals circa 5 Soler sonatas with Naxos availability for example. But choose one, click the complete Brilliant Classics recording, click the round disc link and 9 hours of music from that complete (ish?) set - more than the 5 brief sonatas - are at your disposal. Hrrm. Neat.
This needs exploring.
Thank you.

(Or, go to a Chopin nocturne page, find the Brilliant Classics recording there, click the button- 19 hours of Chopin in a continuous playlist, possibly including items we don't or even can't have (given the new restrictions on NML) (or have and for which that recording doesn't yet show up as an option). Hrm. Neat, really. Again, not complaining...) I gather their Mozart and Beethoven complete editions may be larger, will have to see... hope I'm not encouraging you to scale down this feature, hrm. Not meaning to.
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Re: Naxos Music Library

Post by imslp »

Eric wrote:hope I'm not encouraging you to scale down this feature, hrm. Not meaning to.
It's working as intended, so no, it's not going away. In fact, the 38,000 number I quoted before counted all multi-CD collections as a single CD, so it's actually a bit more than 38,000 CDs.
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