Motivational speech for all those who upload scores to IMSLP with a request Harm. Poétiques et religieuses II s172a

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Motivational speech for all those who upload scores to IMSLP with a request Harm. Poétiques et religieuses II s172a

Post by Lisztomaniac »

Dear IMSLP community,

Actually, while writing this request I thought it worthwhile to give a brief summary of how IMSLP has made an impact on my life. Seven years ago I suffered a traumatic brain incident. Internal bleedings and skull fractures in abundance.. Written off by basically every specialist I encountered. I had always loved music but sadly I couldn't deal with the intensive stimuli. Therefore, I started listening to the piano again, seeing as I had always loved it so much as a kid. During my childhood however, I thought I was too hyperactive to sit down long enough to play anything. And boy how wrong I was. After gradually getting more comfortable with listening to piano music I went on and taught myself, to a level where I can play concert repertoire piano music (starting at age 25), while at the same time improving so much in everything else in life that, right now, I in the final year of finishing my master's degree in uni and can actually aspire a promising career. The one guiding hand during this recovery the whole time has been my love for music, piano music in particular. Thank you IMSLP community for making this possible.

This is as much information as I will give since I most certainly do not want to be in the limelight, I simply want to be able to play the piano. My motivation for writing this post is twofold. First, I thought it would be nice for the people who take time to upload musical scores to obtain a moral reward for doing what they do. Secondly, I wanted to motivate people to take up practicing music now and to not be discouraged by what I perceive to be an elitist attitude that has taken hold among modern society when it comes to studying music. YES a teacher is better. YES money makes it so much easier. YES being young makes it possible for you to learn piano technique at a much faster pace. BUT none of the aforemetioned can supplant in any way the one thing needed most of all, and that is motivation. Too many people have laughed at me when I told people of my intention to become a concert pianist, not so that I could play in front of people, but simply so I could play the music that I loved. I could say a lot more, but I rest my case.

Now the request:

Please could anyone who has a copy of the NLA edition on which copyright has ended upload the harmonies poétiques et religieuses s172a II pieces. I would try and contribute more myself but I need another year to finish university before I can get a job. At the same time university life allows me more spare time to hone my skill as a pianist.. I am not one for receiving gifts as I am easily satisfied and take far more pleasure in giving to others myself, but IMSLP is the one gift in life I could not live without :cry: If anyone could upload this score, I would be eternally grateful.. Especially La lampe du temple, which has such a wonderful melody, I just have to try and play it..

Thanks for everyone having uploaded musical scores so far, especially classical/romantic pianist pieces, and thanks in advance to anyone putting in any effort to honor this request.

Last but not least: Happy studies to all musicians out there.

Yours faithfully,

A fellow musician, a fellow pianist, but most of all a fellow Lisztian
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Re: Motivational speech for all those who upload scores to IMSLP with a request Harm. Poétiques et religieuses II s172a

Post by felixblumenfeld »

Someone has already added S. 172a to the Wishlist. How much time it will take for a user to scan this work is anyone's guess.
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