Several claims are downright false (or even libelous, so he'd better be careful - maybe that's why he didn't sign). I don't know if there are any valid points among them, nor am I sure whether it is better to ignore these ramblings or to post a reply.
Notes in square brackets are mine.
Up to now, user "Chico" has posted this reply:This project is very generous but its initiators are execrable falsifiers and I have noticed several infringements of the laws and uses/practices/customs[? - usages]:
1) Misappropriation of digitized files of national and university libraries among which Gallica.
2) Copying and hosting of files available on non-commercial sites like Werner-Icking which deprives the authors of these files of all further corrections. This is not admissible.
3) Illegitimate reproductions and thus falsifications of musical engravings published after 1920 which as such are protected, when the represented work no longer is. Reactions of harmed publishers are to be expected.
3) [sic] Theft of digitized files of works [d'oeuvres et d'ouvrages] which are certainly in the public domain but this does not mean that one is allowed to appropriate the labour of others in order to distribute it for free. If these servile works[? - travaux serviles] are not protected by the intellectual property, they are in France by ordinary property that is article 544 of the Code Civil which comprises as attribute a right on the image of every movable good. Now this right is ABSOLUTE and PERPETUAL (transmissible to the heirs)
Thus in several cases there is misappropriation of digitized files for commercial purposes, erasure[? - décompilations] and suppression of mention of origin (watermark) etc such that this Canadian site risks to be at the origin of dreadful perverse effects. In fact the publishers, [obnhubilés - this word does not exist] by the copyright laws, are not conscious of the possibilities offered by the article 544 (and its equivalents abroad) the application of which risks giving rise to abuses.
As ancient judicial expert and harmed publisher myself I have alerted the judicial service of the BN[?] and the publisher Leduc such that if the need arises pressure be exerted, namely in the diplomatic way so that the site be forced to abide by certain norms.
There is on the other hand a difference between the fact for and individual to obtain in Canada works the publication of which without permission of the rights holders would be liable of prosecution in Europe and the fact for a Canadian organization to use the internet to infringe the frontiers and laws of European countries in which the duration of post-mortem protection is of 85 years with the years of war against 50 years net in Canada by exporting still protected works. Internet will not provide indefinitely total impunity... And it is not because one provides works for free that one can exempt oneself from the applicable rules.
It must be added that the site does not supply much except quantity. It consists in fact of nothing but systematic looting of existing sites of which the major ones are known to the initiate. Ah it would be different if these people made the effort of scanning old printings.
But robbing the others and picking files without any authorization in order to redistribute the product of the robbery is "forced socialism". In short, there would be several things to say about this site...
Anyway, don't let this distract you more than necessary from the absolutely great work you are doing.If you can provide verifiable proof and sources available for consultation (online or in newspapers) of what you are advancing, a more objective version of your remarks can be integrated into the article.