V/V/V, not V/V*/V*

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V/V/V, not V/V*/V*

Post by vinteuil »

Piano Sonata Op.17 No.6 (Bach, Johann Christian).
Is it V/V/V like marked? Why?
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Post by pml »

Actually, all of the Opus 17 piano sonatas as well as one of the opus 5 sonatas should have the same copyright tag, as they derive from the same source, and as urtext editions, their EU copyright would have expired after a maximum of 30 years. The urtext convention doesn't hold for the US, so the question of the US status would depend whether copyright was renewed after 28 years.

Finally, if there is any substantial editorial contribution (e.g. reconstruction of an incomplete movement in one of the sonatas) then a 50 or 70 pma term might apply; the 50 year term would have expired, thus that would be in the PD in Canada, whereas the 70 year term for the EU would not have done so.

Without any further research (or inspecting each of the sonatas) I'd be more confident of tagging them V/C/C* - verified for Canada, probably okay in the US, and the EU (* = urtext flag).

Regards, PML
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Post by Carolus »

At least two of the Landshoff volumes have been reprinted by Masters - which means they are free and clear in the USA.
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