Why do I need to answer a captcha when logged in as a paying member?

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Why do I need to answer a captcha when logged in as a paying member?

Post by jope »

Sorry, but this seems like a really unfriendly hassle: I am a paying member and I had to go through the hassleof telling Google where in several iamges the bicycles are, followed by having to tell it where some other object is.
Why do I have to do work for Google as a paying member?
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Re: Why do I need to answer a captcha when logged in as a paying member?

Post by kosboot »

I'm just an ordinary member, but I've never had to go through all that captcha stuff. Are you directly clicking on IMSLP.org?
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Re: Why do I need to answer a captcha when logged in as a paying member?

Post by ScoreUpdater »

This page explains it.
Autoconfirmed users are users who have shown that they are in all likelihood not bots or vandals to the software. The criteria for this are the same for all, but they will not be disclosed, except to administrators. Permissions include:
  • Moving of Pages.
  • Editing Semi-Protected pages.
  • No more captcha.
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Re: Why do I need to answer a captcha when logged in as a paying member?

Post by DBMiller »

Do you mean when using Google to try to find pages on IMSLP?
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